Author: Nick (page 1 of 3)


Hodis SoldoutIt’s been a great start to the year already! Thank you all so much for coming out to our annual Hodi’s Halfnote Birthday show — we SOLD IT OUT and saw wonderful performances by Write Minded and The Hollow! It was an amazing night that we’ll be reliving in our heads for years to come…

But now it’s time to make some more great memories: First up, we’ll be heading to Colorado Springs Friday, April 14th to play with The Monsters on Maple Street at Peak 31 (Union Station). Then we’re happy to announce we will be headlining the Downtown Artery for this year’s FoCoMX festival on April 29th at 11:45 PM!

And after THAT, we’ll be heading out for a short Midwest run in May and it would be great to see you all at a show. Here are the dates! (don’t worry, more to come this fall)

Spring Tour FB Banner Spring 2017

Days Away

Yup, we’re only two days away from the release of our new EP Bring It To Life (Side B)! We hope to see you all in Fort Collins at Hodi’s Halfnote on September 23rd for the party! Here’s a little post to give you some background on how it came about:

Two long years ago we started writing a whole new full length record. Then we decided to split it into two separate releases, a Side A and a Side B. We were able to mirror the two halves in content, emotion – even the visual style of the packaging. Most importantly, it gave us time to really work on the songs and make sure that what we were putting out into the world would be of the best quality we can give. Side A came out last October. As we promoted it and played shows to support its release we were also back in preproduction with the songs that would end up on Side B. We worked for months and then went on a longer than usual tour. When we came back we had less than a week and only two practices before hitting the studio. We were so wrecked and tired and worried that we wouldn’t be able to do it. But it all came together, we owe a lot of that to the help of Andrew Berlin. His patience is matched only by his skill as an engineer and producer. So here we are. Another Post P record. The second half of “Bring it to Life.” Now you can understand why we’re a little excited and anxious and maybe even terrified. “A band is only as good as its last record.” We happily accept the challenge.


Home again…


Well we’re back in Colorado! We had a great tour, thank you to all of the wonderful venues that had us out, and to the great bands and awesome people we got to meet. We’ll be heading back out in the Fall but FIRST, we are putting the finishing touches on Bring it To Life (Side B)! For those of you just joining us, this is the second half of our two EP set, you can find Side A right here

We’ve also got some exciting news to share from last night – we are Denver’s 2016 Hard Rock Rising winners!! This is a worldwide competition so wish us luck as the celebrity judges put us up against bands from literally all over the world. We are excited to have been chosen to represent our favorite music scene :)

Don’t forget, you can catch us at Lost Lake in Denver June 23rd. More announcements to come!

Ugly Sweaters

Happy Holidays everyone! Long story short, we put together a cover of Carol of the Bells for a Christmas show we did in our hometown last weekend. The response was huge so we decided it would be a good idea to do a quick recording. We’re giving it away for free from our Noisetrade page. Just click HERE.

Thank you all for your love and support through 2015, we’re heading into the studio Jan 4th to begin production on Side B of Bring It To Life! 2016 is going to be a blast.

we’ll see you soon…

~Nick, Amy, Mark, Brian

Bring It To Life

Side A Release Poster WEB


On October 9th we will be releasing our new EP, side A of the two Ep set entitled “Bring It To Life.” It’ll be available online at all of your favorite retailers. If you live in the Norther Colorado area, we will be putting on a huge release show shindig at the Fort Collins Downtown Artery, 252 Linden Street, Fort Collins, CO. It’s a brand new venue that we are super excited to put through the paces!

Also please don’t forget to pick up tickets for the showing of Place Matters on Sept 17 at the Colorado State University Center for the Arts. This is the documentary for the Smithsonian that features Post Paradise. We will be putting on a performance after the showing of the documentary. Tickets to the event are free but you have register and order them HERE!

Summer Shows and a New Ep!

New Photo BandHey everyone, things have been very busy in our world lately as we get the masters done for our new Ep, take photos for the album cover, film a new video, plan the release and get some tour plans in motion… Trust us, all of this is worth the wait, we’ve got lots in store for you as summer winds down. We’ve added some new show dates to the calendar and you’ll be seeing a lot of info about our record release soon.

Oh hey, it’s probably a good idea to mark October 9th in your calendars if you live in Northern Colorado. Why? I can’t imagine… :)

Home Again!

Just a quick update now that we have returned (this morning) from Austin TX. The Colorado Music Party was a HUGE success, with over 120 bands performing on the ‘Colorado’ stages. We can’t thank Play Fort Collins, SpokesBUZZ, Illegal Pete’s or the Comusic party enough for all that they’ve done for us at the festival this year. Unforgettable. In fact, here’s a photo to commemorate the occasion! 11076188_10153113877257778_1653223579739199562_o

More info on our upcoming full length album and our documentary shoot coming soon… Thank you!!

New Single! New Show!

Hey there everyone. Like the title says, we’ve got a new song that we’re giving away. Get your download RIGHT HERE!

It’s also time for our annual birthday party show at Hodi’s Halfnote in Fort Collins, which this year will feature our good friends Chemistry Club and Slow Caves!


Last but certainly not least, we are pleased to announce that the Post Paradise RPA (Rye Pale Ale) created by our friends at Pateros Creek Brewing is now available for purchase! We will be playing a short acoustic set on January 16th at their tap room (242 N. College Ave. Fort Collins, CO 80524) at 6PM so come on down and (if you’re 21+) have a beer with us! If you can’t make it, the deliciously smooth, hoppy beverage can also be found at these fine establishments around Northern CO:
Horsetooth Liquors
RJ’s Wine & Liquors
Ram Liquor
Supermarket Liquor
College Green (Greeley)
Brix Liquors (Loveland)
3 Rivers (Longmont)
Small Batch Liquors (Denver)
More locations to come!
Pateros Photo

Bluebird Show Ticket Info


On January 2nd, Post Paradise will be headlining the Bluebird Theater for the FIRST TIME! We want all you lovely people there to party with us and kick off a rocking 2015! We’ll be releasing a new single and have some surprises for you…

We are in talks with Pateros Creek to brew a special beer just for this event! We can’t say too much, but… it’s gonna to be delicious. We are also booking a party bus that can bring fans from Fort Collins/Greeley down to the show and back! We can only fit so many people on the bus (21+), but you can reserve your spot by using the button below to purchase a bus ticket package. ($35 and it includes the ticket to the show, and booze on the bus. Must be 21+) The bus will leave Fort Collins around 7:00pm and will leave Denver after the show is finished at midnight. You can also order presale tickets only from the button below for the low price of $10. They’re limited so pick them up before they run out.

**We’re sorry but the presale time is over. If you’re lucky there are some tickets at the door!!**

See you at the Bluebird!!

End of Summer Update!

1UP photo

Well everyone, it’s been one crazy summer. We couldn’t have envisioned that we’d stay as busy as we did these last 3 months, but it was amazing to be a part of so many festivals, shows, and events and to play with so many amazing bands, local and national, as well as see so many friends/fans at shows. This has been the best year yet for Post Paradise and it shows no signs up slowing down yet.

Tomorrow morning, Amy and I leave for Canada to be musical ambassadors for travel writers on behalf of the Colorado Board of Tourism and Colorado Creative Industries. Our acoustic performance takes place at Wildebeest in Vancouver, BC on September 18th. Please wish us luck as we represent Colorado music on our first trip out of the country!!

When we return we’ll be rocking a hometown show at Hodi’s Halfnote on October 4th for SpokesBUZZ’s Bandswap Homecoming show. We’ll be playing with iZcalli, Lords of the Trident (the band swap honorees from Madison, WI) and Stella Luce who will be releasing their new Ep that night. We’ll be rocking new lights and new songs from the upcoming record so it’s probably a good idea to show up to this one :)

Once that’s all set then it’s back into the studio to put the finishing touches on this new full length of ours… Really looking forward to getting this one completed, we’ve been working on it all year and didn’t anticipate we would be this busy with shows and opportunities. I’m definitely not complaining, it’ll be well worth the wait!


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