So here we are music fans, tomorrow we take our BRAND NEW VAN driven possibly by our BRAND NEW DRUMMER to play some BRAND NEW SONGS at Channel 93.3′s Big Gig at RED ROCKS AMPHITHEATER with the SILVERSUN PICKUPS. I really need to update this blog more often…
I do apologize for that, but we’ve had a whole lot going on, with welcoming new drummer Mark Roshon onto the team. He’s really hit the ground running with all the shows we’ve had coming our way, not to mention all the new songs we’re just about ready to record. Mark’s been working extremely hard, we’re really lucky to have found him. In fact, you should come to a show and meet him. Soon.
So, we just tracked a song with Jason Larson over at Backbone Studios and let me tell you, it is tasty. You’ll be able to hear it on the new SpokesBUZZ compilation cd, details on that AND the accompanying release party at Hodi’s Halfnote coming very soon.
So let’s see what’ve we got coming up…? Red Rocks away tomorrow, yikes, a short tour at the end of the month for ‘Bandswap’ put on by SpokesBUZZ, then a homecoming show at Hodi’s Halfnote on October 5th!
We’d also like to take some space to thank YOU for being a part of our shows as of late! It’s no secret that our crowds have been getting bigger and that helps us get shows all over northern Colorado and beyond. We were so excited to be a part of shows like the Higher Ground Music Fest, and especially Big Gig with Silversun Pickups, the Wombats, the Hives… You voted onto that show and we are SO grateful.
Keep your ears to the ground,