At least that’s what Denver’s Marquee magazine had to say about the addition of cello to our signature sound after awarding our first full length album, “The New Normal,” with 4 out of 5 stars…
That’s right, the new album is out for review all over the place, it’s finally been pushed out of the nest and into the world to see what it can do. They say you shouldn’t read your own reviews but I can never help it, I’m always interested in how our music affects other people. So far, the initial rumblings are that this could be a very big album for us. Certainly our biggest to date. So why should our cd release celebration be any less?
If you’re reading this, you’re probably hearing about it before it’s been posted on Facebook or anywhere else. Consider this your first formal invitation to the Post Paradise CD Release Party on September 30th at Hodi’s Halfnote in Fort Collins. We have teamed up with a few other rock bands of the highest caliber to bring you the rocking-est show even we could imagine.
Starting off the night will be Denver’s own TAKE TO THE OARS, followed by our very good friends, fellow SpokesBUZZ members and dance rock aficionados COMMON ANOMALY, then as if that wasn’t enough, you will be treated to the triumphant return to Fort Collins of VICES I ADMIRE! Then, you know, us. This town has been aching for a good rock show and we feel inclined to deliver.
If all of that isn’t enough to get you in the door, I should let you know that we’ll be recording our entire set and making it available for download by you, the show attendees, courtesy of friend and local sound man extraordinaire Dan Butcher. So what you do is come to the show, go to our merch booth and sign up to get a code with which you will be able to download our entire set, mixed and ready, BY 6PM THE FOLLOWING DAY. Pretty cool, huh? Definitely a good reason to come out and say hello…
You’ll be hearing from us,
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