Wow. Just… Wow.
What a month. I’m still recovering from the amazing times we’ve had over the last few weeks. From the debut of our new light show (special thanks to Aubrey, our lighting vixen!), the SpokesBUZZ compilation release, and the sudden rush of inspiration we’ve had for new songs, it’s probably about time to stop and catch our breath.
I mean, we’re not going to stop, but it is a nice thought. Yep, got a show January 7th at Road 34 in town with our good friends from Denver, In The Whale. They’re making the rounds across northern CO to move some copies of their new record. We’re teaming up with Take To The Oars (whom I’m sure you remember from OUR cd release party) and are very ready to rock ourselves into oblivion. Oh, yes, there will be new songs from us. Actually quite a few if I have my way. What better time to try out new material? Don’t miss it.
While we’re on the subject of new stuff, please take a second to check out our NEW PHOTOS that we’ve added to the site, as well as some killer NEW VIDEOS. OK only a few of the videos are “new,” but they’re finally in one convenient place. You’re welcome. (Yes, the new song is on there.)
Last but not least, thank you thank you thank you thank you to the SpokesBUZZ crew (Dani, Julie, Nic, Dan, all the interns, stage crew, and volunteers – you know who you are) who made the compilation release the amazing event that it was. That night will live with me for a long time. Amazing fans, amazing bands, amazing friends. It’s what this is all about.
See you soon,
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