Yup, we’re only two days away from the release of our new EP Bring It To Life (Side B)! We hope to see you all in Fort Collins at Hodi’s Halfnote on September 23rd for the party! Here’s a little post to give you some background on how it came about:
Two long years ago we started writing a whole new full length record. Then we decided to split it into two separate releases, a Side A and a Side B. We were able to mirror the two halves in content, emotion – even the visual style of the packaging. Most importantly, it gave us time to really work on the songs and make sure that what we were putting out into the world would be of the best quality we can give. Side A came out last October. As we promoted it and played shows to support its release we were also back in preproduction with the songs that would end up on Side B. We worked for months and then went on a longer than usual tour. When we came back we had less than a week and only two practices before hitting the studio. We were so wrecked and tired and worried that we wouldn’t be able to do it. But it all came together, we owe a lot of that to the help of Andrew Berlin. His patience is matched only by his skill as an engineer and producer. So here we are. Another Post P record. The second half of “Bring it to Life.” Now you can understand why we’re a little excited and anxious and maybe even terrified. “A band is only as good as its last record.” We happily accept the challenge.
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