Hey all, just a quick post to let you all know what we’ve been up to… We are currently gearing up for our trip to Austin, TX for SXSW with SpokesBUZZ, getting lights ready and finalizing what new songs we’re going to add to the set, etc. Once we get back, we’ve hit Denver for a nice cozy gig at Leela Cafe, then home to Road 34 with Denver band The Foot. Then of course, FoCoMx is going to tear April apart. Busy busy busy.
On the new music note, I should mention that we are getting very ready to start tracking some new songs. I wouldn’t say we’ve got enough for an album yet, and we’re not really looking to do the EP thing and press another record, but the initial reaction to a lot of these tracks has been giving me very warm fuzzy feelings. It feels like it’s the right time to dust off the recording gear and get tracking. Maybe they’ll just be demos or maybe we’ll release them as a few singles at a time. Post P is winning by running its own race, so be ready for some creative new releases. We’ve been very fortunate these last few months (SCENE magazine cover January AND March!!) and we’ve got some great friends and fans that have been helping us along, but I feel more invigorated by this band and these new songs than I have since we started.
This is our year.
See you soon,
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