Author: Nick (page 3 of 3)

Thank You, no really, YOU

So here we are music fans, tomorrow we take our BRAND NEW VAN driven possibly by our BRAND NEW DRUMMER to play some BRAND NEW SONGS at Channel 93.3′s Big Gig at RED ROCKS AMPHITHEATER with the SILVERSUN PICKUPS. I really need to update this blog more often…

I do apologize for that, but we’ve had a whole lot going on, with welcoming new drummer Mark Roshon onto the team. He’s really hit the ground running with all the shows we’ve had coming our way, not to mention all the new songs we’re just about ready to record. Mark’s been working extremely hard, we’re really lucky to have found him. In fact, you should come to a show and meet him. Soon.

So, we just tracked a song with Jason Larson over at Backbone Studios and let me tell you, it is tasty. You’ll be able to hear it on the new SpokesBUZZ compilation cd, details on that AND the accompanying release party at Hodi’s Halfnote coming very soon.

So let’s see what’ve we got coming up…? Red Rocks away tomorrow, yikes, a short tour at the end of the month for ‘Bandswap’ put on by SpokesBUZZ, then a homecoming show at Hodi’s Halfnote on October 5th!

We’d also like to take some space to thank YOU for being a part of our shows as of late! It’s no secret that our crowds have been getting bigger and that helps us get shows all over northern Colorado and beyond. We were so excited to be a part of shows like the Higher Ground Music Fest, and especially Big Gig with Silversun Pickups, the Wombats, the Hives… You voted onto that show and we are SO grateful.

Keep your ears to the ground,



Hello everyone, I thought I should write a quick note to throw out some updates and keep you posted on what we’re up to lately…

First off, thanks to everyone who came out to the High Park Fire benefit at Hodi’s Halfnote last Saturday, that was an incredible show of support for and from our community and we had an amazing and inspiring time. This is such a great place to live!

If you did attend that show, you no doubt noticed (through all the haze and lights!) that our bass player looked a little different… Phil has decided it was time to move on and spend more time on other projects (The Sickly Ferguson, Firebirdies). He remains a great friend and we wish him the best of luck in the future! Replacing him on bass will be Chris Santolla, fresh to town from New York City. Chris is a great guy and we’re lucky to have him on board, so please give him a warm welcome if you run into him at our shows!

Now about those upcoming show, unfortunately, our show at the Mishawaka with DeVotchKa has been *canceled* due to the High Park Fire. This is a tough thing to announce, we were greatly looking forward to rocking the Mish again especially with such an awesome bill but this is just how these things go. At least the Mish still exists, so many have lost everything to that damn fire.

The next show we’ve got coming up is next weekend at the Pancakes and Booze event in Denver on Friday June 29th with The Foot. This will be lead guitarist Erik’s last show with us, he too thought this was a good summer to work on his solo album and he’s been kind enough to hang out and play shows with us even as he gets ready to begin the recording process. You can check out his progress here.

Lastly, we’re getting ready to enter recording mode again very soon and we’ve decided that rather than finding another guitarist, we’ll be returning to a four piece like the band was originally. It was a tough decision to come to but we feel like it’s time to feature a little more cello than what was heard on The New Normal. I can’t tell you how excited I am personally for this next step in the band’s evolution. We have SO many new songs we want you to hear…

Was that enough links for you to click on?



…is what is upon us. I can feel it. Crazy times ahead. Things are moving forward at an incredible pace, we appreciate all of you that are hanging on for the ride. Trust us, it’s about to get better. Our shows have been getting bigger, we’re making more and more friends, new songs are running rampant. Hell, we may even have a new van soon(!)

Please stay tuned, I promise that I will try to keep this blog updated more often but we’ve just had too much going on and I can’t find a way to put it all into words. Sometimes it’s best to tell you in person after a show…

As always, check out the events page for updates on where we’ll be in the next couple months. Come July, we’ll have some big announcements, hopefully even some new recordings, etc, etc.

We’ll see you soon.


Feeling invigorated

Hey all, just a quick post to let you all know what we’ve been up to… We are currently gearing up for our trip to Austin, TX for SXSW with SpokesBUZZ, getting lights ready and finalizing what new songs we’re going to add to the set, etc. Once we get back, we’ve hit Denver for a nice cozy gig at Leela Cafe, then home to Road 34 with Denver band The Foot. Then of course, FoCoMx is going to tear April apart. Busy busy busy.

On the new music note, I should mention that we are getting very ready to start tracking some new songs. I wouldn’t say we’ve got enough for an album yet, and we’re not really looking to do the EP thing and press another record, but the initial reaction to a lot of these tracks has been giving me very warm fuzzy feelings. It feels like it’s the right time to dust off the recording gear and get tracking. Maybe they’ll just be demos or maybe we’ll release them as a few singles at a time. Post P is winning by running its own race, so be ready for some creative new releases. We’ve been very fortunate these last few months (SCENE magazine cover January AND March!!) and we’ve got some great friends and fans that have been helping us along, but I feel more invigorated by this band and these new songs than I have since we started.

This is our year.

See you soon,


We’re Watching You…

A friend of ours mentioned that every time he walked by a SCENE magazine stand he felt like we were watching him… Yeah, that’s us on the cover this month. If you haven’t grabbed a copy, please do so, they’re free and damn we felt sexy during that photoshoot! A big thanks to Micheal, Molly and Emily from SCENE for the opportunity and for the great article! Also, a huge shout out to Joel Decatur for the photo. It feels gooooooood.

Just a quick post this time around, January has already been a VERY good month for us, it feels like a lot of our hard work is beginning to pay off. We’ve announced a couple shows in the next few months to warm us up before we head out to SXSW with SpokesBUZZ so take a look at the “events” tab here on the site. While you’re hanging around the site, we’ve added a few fan vids to the video page. One might even be a new song…

Oh, and eventually we’ll get Amy’s blog up and running so she can share her tour diaries from last summer’s doomed outing. It’s very entertaining. We’re almost ready to laugh about it ourselves. Almost.

One more thing, we really want to thank everyone who has been supporting us for the last 3 years or even just for the last 3 weeks – you make it possible for us to do what we love. Every show that you attend , every record you listen to, every new local band that you tell your friends about, it’s all a part of what makes this Northern Colorado scene awesome.

We’ll see you soon, and remember, we’re watching you…

Keeping Current

Wow. Just… Wow.

What a month. I’m still recovering from the amazing times we’ve had over the last few weeks. From the debut of our new light show (special thanks to Aubrey, our lighting vixen!), the SpokesBUZZ compilation release, and the sudden rush of inspiration we’ve had for new songs, it’s probably about time to stop and catch our breath.

I mean, we’re not going to stop, but it is a nice thought. Yep, got a show January 7th at Road 34 in town with our good friends from Denver, In The Whale. They’re making the rounds across northern CO to move some copies of their new record. We’re teaming up with Take To The Oars (whom I’m sure you remember from OUR cd release party) and are very ready to rock ourselves into oblivion. Oh, yes, there will be new songs from us. Actually quite a few if I have my way. What better time to try out new material? Don’t miss it.

While we’re on the subject of new stuff, please take a second to check out our NEW PHOTOS that we’ve added to the site, as well as some killer NEW VIDEOS. OK only a few of the videos are “new,” but they’re finally in one convenient place. You’re welcome. (Yes, the new song is on there.)

Last but not least, thank you thank you thank you thank you to the SpokesBUZZ crew (Dani, Julie, Nic, Dan, all the interns, stage crew, and volunteers – you know who you are) who made the compilation release the amazing event that it was. That night will live with me for a long time. Amazing fans, amazing bands, amazing friends. It’s what this is all about.

See you soon,

Rocking, Rocking, Rocking…

…is what we’ll be doing this coming Thursday at Hodi’s Halfnote. But before I get too deep into talking about that show let me give a formal thank you to all who came out for September’s CD release party! We had an absolutely amazing time and never expected (even though we hoped) that so many people would come out to say hello! That reminds me, BandCamp lets us give away more downloads of that live set every month so by now we’ve got another batch that we can give out. Just go here and check it out if you haven’t already: Hodi’s Halfnote Live Set, Sept. 30th, 2011.

Oh yeah, and you can also go ahead and read the review that Scene Magazine gave The New Normal here.

Like we said, the rocking doesn’t stop there. This Thursday, November 10th, we’ll be rocking out with California band KrashKarma, as well as locals FusterCluck and Autumn Burn. This is an all ages show and if you want a couple bucks off of the door price, print this flier out and bring it the night of the show! There are some rumors that we may be debuting out new light show for this one, so it might be a good idea to check it out…

We’ve got the SpokesBUZZ compilation coming up soon as well so make sure to mark Wednesday, December 7th on your calendars. As if you haven’t already :)


Looking for some free downloads of the “The New Normal,” our first full length record?

You and everybody else…

Please click here: BOOM!!

If you’re looking for an awesome video interview by local photographer and Angry Martian Blogger, Kell Baldwin, please click HERE Did I forget to mention all the live videos he posted from our release party last weekend?? Be sure to check it out!

“…Infinitely more interesting than most modern alternative groups.”

At least that’s what Denver’s Marquee magazine had to say about the addition of cello to our signature sound after awarding our first full length album, “The New Normal,” with 4 out of 5 stars…

That’s right, the new album is out for review all over the place, it’s finally been pushed out of the nest and into the world to see what it can do. They say you shouldn’t read your own reviews but I can never help it, I’m always interested in how our music affects other people. So far, the initial rumblings are that this could be a very big album for us. Certainly our biggest to date. So why should our cd release celebration be any less?

If you’re reading this, you’re probably hearing about it before it’s been posted on Facebook or anywhere else. Consider this your first formal invitation to the Post Paradise CD Release Party on September 30th at Hodi’s Halfnote in Fort Collins. We have teamed up with a few other rock bands of the highest caliber to bring you the rocking-est show even we could imagine.

Starting off the night will be Denver’s own TAKE TO THE OARS, followed by our very good friends, fellow SpokesBUZZ members and dance rock aficionados COMMON ANOMALY, then as if that wasn’t enough, you will be treated to the triumphant return to Fort Collins of VICES I ADMIRE! Then, you know, us. This town has been aching for a good rock show and we feel inclined to deliver.

If all of that isn’t enough to get you in the door, I should let you know that we’ll be recording our entire set and making it available for download by you, the show attendees, courtesy of friend and local sound man extraordinaire Dan Butcher. So what you do is come to the show, go to our merch booth and sign up to get a code with which you will be able to download our entire set, mixed and ready, BY 6PM THE FOLLOWING DAY. Pretty cool, huh? Definitely a good reason to come out and say hello…

You’ll be hearing from us,


Things Are Looking Bright

Hello beautiful people,

I figured it was way past time to get you all back up to speed on what we’ve got going on. We keep running into friends asking us what we’ve been up to since we’ve been back in town. And that leads me to tell them about our big news…

We are now a part of Fort Collins’ own badass promotion engine / development company: SpokesBUZZ! Oh, check them out on facebook too: Spokesbuzz Facebook

We want to thank Dani and Julie as well as all of the volunteers involved for making the organization such an exciting thing to be a part of. We will be playing a couple shows under the SpokesBUZZ banner next month starting with the Grant Farms Anniversary Fest in Cheyenne, Wyoming. We are also proud to be asked to be the headlining band for Loveland’s very first Dnalevol (Loveland spelled backwards) Festival. Please come out and say hello. We haven’t seen you in awhile, and, well… We miss you. Details are on our events page.

Oh yeah…. We’ve also got a bunch of copies of this new album lying around… I guess we should probably put together some kind of cd release show. Maybe with fellow SpokesBUZZ band, Common Anomaly or something?

We’ll be in touch.

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