…is what is upon us. I can feel it. Crazy times ahead. Things are moving forward at an incredible pace, we appreciate all of you that are hanging on for the ride. Trust us, it’s about to get better. Our shows have been getting bigger, we’re making more and more friends, new songs are running rampant. Hell, we may even have a new van soon(!)
Please stay tuned, I promise that I will try to keep this blog updated more often but we’ve just had too much going on and I can’t find a way to put it all into words. Sometimes it’s best to tell you in person after a show…
As always, check out the events page for updates on where we’ll be in the next couple months. Come July, we’ll have some big announcements, hopefully even some new recordings, etc, etc.
We’ll see you soon.
September 15, 2012 at 9:26 am
Hey nick its dennis hogan from st francis school. I found you on here after searching around a bit. Just listened to your music good stuff. Shoot me an email if you make it to the east coast with your music id like to see a show